Learn how to save water: Community Workshops

Workshop Video Series

Welcome to our workshop dedicated to the vital topic of water management and irrigation practices. These videos are designed to educate on the significance and intricacies of water's journey, the technological heart of irrigation, and the practical measures we can adopt to enhance water use efficiency.

Water drops
Joel Irrigation & LHP Landscaping

Joel Irrigation & LHP Landscaping

Leaks Allowance

For 30 years we've been trusted to provide the best reticulation, bore installation and landscaping services you can find in Perth. Led by our founder, Stretton Joel, we've been slowly growing, innovating and perfecting our craft to become Perth landscaping...

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NEDLANDS, Western Australia

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The water cycle shows how interconnected all water supplies are and how it is important to understand the journey, every water molecule makes. Tune in to this workshop as we list the reasons why groundwater is so important, how much of it is accessible and the way we can harvest it.

Irrigation Controllers

The irrigation controller is the heart of the irrigation system. They vary massively in complexity and capability, but always remain incredibly important. In this workshop, you’ll learn about the many different types of irrigation controllers, their purpose and why exactly you must have one

Irrigation Practices

Simple measures to improve efficiency. Easily achievable irrigation practices available that improve irrigation and water efficiency and are great horticulture practices.

Irrigation System Evaluation

Measuring application rates & calculating runtimes. System Evaluation is critical to an effective and efficient irrigation system. The principles of irrigation efficiency revolve around multiple core principles.

Soil Water

Soil Water is an extremely important consideration for irrigation. Soil is generally formed in one of three states.

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